Category: Europe

Balkans – Day 9

Written on November 26, 2019 in Slovenia

We left Plitvice Lakes and headed north today. It was foggy in the park and on the mountaintops, but nothing like yesterday at the waterfalls! The drive down was super windy due to something called bora winds (pronounced “boo-ruh), which can produce winds over 125 mph. Luckily we didn’t experience those winds, but it was...

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Balkans – Day 8

Written on November 25, 2019 in Croatia

**** Sorry for the delayed post, internet speeds/serviceability in remote national parks is just not terribly conducive to posting/keeping a blog up **** We started early today, as we had a lot of ground to cover to get to the Plitvice Lakes national park. Our first stop was just 17 miles from Split in the...

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Balkans – Day 7

Written on November 23, 2019 in Croatia

So where did we leave off yesterday? Oh yes, we mentioned we were going to leave Croatia for Croatia today, and we did. A thin strip of Bosnia and Herzegovina stretches to the Adriatic Sea, bisecting the country of Croatia. To get from Dubrovnik to Split we had to leave Croatia, cross the border into...

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Balkans – Day 6

Written on November 22, 2019 in Croatia

Our final day in Drubrovnik was a good one! Great weather, great adventure, great company. Our first activity was to take the 1.25 mile walk on the city wall of Dubrovnik, which offers amazing views of sea and land, and also gave us a completely different view of the old city. There were a few...

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Balkans – Day 5

Written on November 21, 2019 in Croatia

Okay, today is going to be about Dubrovnik, as that is all we did today… Our first full day in the beautiful coastal city of Dubrovnik, Croatia! Did we mention beautiful?! It was another day that started with rain but quickly turned into sunshine and a beautiful 64 degrees. Our morning started with a panoramic...

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Balkans – Day 4

Written on November 20, 2019 in Montenegro

After a very hot night in Kolasin, Montenegro we woke up to a cool, rainy morning. Why was the night hot? Once the temperature is cool for about a week, hotels in the area shut off the AC and only heat is available. We slept with the windows open even though it was in the...

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Balkans – Day 3

Written on November 19, 2019 in Albania

Today was our last day in Albania. We packed up and left Tirana. Getting out was fun (and our bus driver was glad we were leaving), as Albanians generally believe traffic laws are optional guidelines, that they generally ignore. For example controlled intersections (traffic signals, round-abouts, etc) generally mean “obey the general gist of ...

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Balkans – Day 2

Written on November 18, 2019 in Albania

Our first full day in the Balkans (specifically Albania) didn’t disappoint!  After an amazing breakfast at the hotel we set out on a walking tour of Tirana.  The architecture in the city has a very eclectic variety – modern buildings, buildings that scream “I was built during communist times”, and everything in bet...

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Balkans – Day 1

Written on November 17, 2019 in Albania

Okay, won’t be much of a blog today, as this was the travel period to start off the adventure.  We flew out on Saturday, around 11:50ish in the morning.  We flew to Chicago (O’Hare) with about a 3-hour layover.   We then caught a flight on Austrian Air to Vienna, Austria landing around 8:30 Sunday morning,...

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Iceland – Day 5

Written on August 12, 2019 in Iceland

Today was our lazy day as we had no set plans until the evening.  One of us was up early for coffee & breakfast and the other three trickled down to breakfast at their leisure.  Once everyone was around and ready we walked to the downtown area, which is where we started out our first...

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All material copyrighted by the Collins Family (2021)