Category: Iceland

Iceland – Day 5

Written on August 12, 2019 in Iceland

Today was our lazy day as we had no set plans until the evening.  One of us was up early for coffee & breakfast and the other three trickled down to breakfast at their leisure.  Once everyone was around and ready we walked to the downtown area, which is where we started out our first...

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Iceland – Day 4

Written on August 10, 2019 in Iceland

What a day this was!!!  We headed out to territory unknown today – the southeast coast. Our first stop was at Gljúfrabúi and Seljalandsfoss – beautiful waterfalls within the same area.  Gljúfrabúi is unique because it doesn’t fall over the side as most do, it drops into an opening that is mostly obscured from passers...

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Iceland – Day 3

Written on August 9, 2019 in Iceland

  Another day of adventure for the Collins/Groves combo!  It was mostly a day of driving so our narrative is a bit brief.  Today’s journey was to the Snæfellsnes Peninsula on the west coast of Iceland.  The peninsula has an amazing array of topography – mountains, waterfalls, lava fields, dormant volcanoes, beaches ...

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Iceland – Day 2

Written on August 8, 2019 in Iceland

Day 2 was a long, busy day.   We picked up our rental car in the morning and headed out for the Golden Circle – Þingvellir National Park, Geysir, and Gullfoss – with a few extra stops along the way.  Just getting there was an adventure – the car is a diesel with variable transmission therefore...

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Iceland – Day 1

Written on August 8, 2019 in Iceland

First full day in the land of ice and fire!  We are honored to have Tim’s cousins – Sondra & Blake Groves – join us on this short adventure.  Tim’s birthday and Sondra’s birthday fall in the same week so this will be one heckuva celebration week for them! The temperature when we landed was...

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A Long Weekend in Iceland

Written on November 24, 2014 in Iceland

This is an “After-the-Fact” post. Thank you for your patience, but this specific post is generally a place-holder until we can come back in and provide a proper post for this visit.

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All material copyrighted by the Collins Family (2021)