Category: Romania

Eastern Europe – Day 10

Written on August 31, 2018 in Romania

We left Bucharest (plains) for Transylvania (other side of the mountains) this morning.  A normal journey from Bucharest to Brasov is about 2-2.5 hours but on Fridays and Sundays the drive can take as much as 5 hours!  While we experienced quite a bit of traffic on the only 2 lane road it did not...

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Eastern Europe – Day 9

Written on August 30, 2018 in Romania

Sadly, the river cruise portion of our journey ended this morning.  At the port of Oltenita, Romania we bid a fond farewell to the Avalon Passion and its crew members and headed for the next leg of our adventure. The bus ride from Oltenita to Bucharest offered the opportunity for us to see day-to-day life...

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Eastern Europe – Day 7

Written on August 28, 2018 in Bulgaria

Our first slow morning!  We arrived in Cetate, Romania and had the opportunity to visit the Cetate Cultural Center, including a wine tasting but we didn’t go.  Did we mention that it was at 8:30 in the morning?!  The thought of tasting wine (and whatever other nasty brandy/moonshine stuff) that early in the day was...

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All material copyrighted by the Collins Family (2021)