Day 04 – Antarctica Redux

Written on November 4, 2023 in South America

This was our first at sea day, meaning we were sailing, made no stops, and haven’t seen land of any form for over 24 hours.  Out of the Beagle Channel, and on into the Drake Passage. Since we were ship-bound there isn’t a lot to share.  Well, maybe sharing that we closed down the bar...

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Day 03 – Antarctica Redux

Written on November 3, 2023 in Argentina

Leaving off mere hours from Day 2…. Up at 2:40, breakfast at 3 am, and in the bud by 4 am.  Although we were tired, this was relatively easy considering there were no bags to pack! It was, as our British friends say, “chucking buckets” in BA with quite a wind (in other words…raining hard...

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Day 02 – Antarctica Redux

Written on November 2, 2023 in Argentina

Day 2 (still a flight day…thanks to the delay!)   Sleeping overnight in the Miami airport is not the ideal start to our adventure.  We were so glad to get on the 7:30 flight…. and then they announced a delay.  A DELAY?!  Thankfully it was only 15 mins.  We loaded and finally set off for...

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Day 01 – Antarctica Redux

Written on November 1, 2023 in Argentina

Travel day! Normally not much to report, but once again we have a story to tell… The flight to Dallas Fort Worth international went smoothly.  Got to have lunch in DFW, but no, not here: Ater lunch we hopped onto our flight to Miami.   Got there in plenty of time only to discover that our...

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Antarctica – Day 20

Written on November 9, 2022 in Argentina

We normally have nothing to report on our return travel day/days, which is a good thing.  But we wanted to share a last small couple of things that usually wouldn’t be worth mentioning in the blog, but since you weren’t able to go with us on the original booking in 2020 (small little world-wide pandemic),...

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Antarctica – Day 19

Written on November 8, 2022 in Argentina

Our last full day on the Fridtjof Nansen and our last full day in Argentina! No fun activities in the morning.  Our bags have to be out by 21:00 tonight and we have an activity planned until 20:00 so the main objective today was to be mostly packed by lunch time. The afternoon/early evening activity...

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Antarctica – Day 18

Written on November 7, 2022 in Argentina

Another day in Ushuaia, Argentina and another outing in Ushuaia, Argentina. Due to incoming ships, our ship had to leave the dock and anchor in the bay, requiring us to tender to and from the ship and shore.  The boat is anchored at one end, which we know because the landscape we see from our...

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Antarctica – Day 17

Written on November 6, 2022 in Argentina

Another day in Ushuaia, Argentina…. And another amazing weather day!  We mention the weather because they somewhat describe their weather as we do in the Midwest, but on steroids.  Their weather can literally change every hour, which isn’t surprising since they’re squished between the ocean and mountains.  Rain was in the forec...

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Antarctica – Day 16

Written on November 5, 2022 in Argentina

Day 2 of our adjusted “Trip to Antarctica, but we didn’t make it to Antarctica” schedule. Hurtigruten (the expedition cruise line) has done an outstanding job of arranging for activities last minute to ensure that travelers have daily activities.  How they have done this for over 300 people in a town of 100,000 during tourism...

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Antarctica – Day 15

Written on November 4, 2022 in Argentina

There were two ship-wide meetings today – one to discuss compensation and one to discuss the remainder of the trip. Hurtigruten provided options – stay in Ushuaia and join the Antarctic cruise that leaves in a few days, re-book for 2023 on one of several trips, receive a partial refund, or take trip credit on...

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All material copyrighted by the Collins Family (2021)