Search by tag: asia

Uzbekistan – Day 11

Written on May 24, 2022 in Uzbekistan

We are winding down our time left in Uzbekistan.  It is now Day 11 – our first full day in Samarkand.   For those that read yesterday’s blog (Day 10), you might remember one of the last pictures that was of a beautifully arranged fruit tray, and how we said we’d come back to this tray…...

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Uzbekistan – Day 10

Written on May 23, 2022 in Uzbekistan

Okay, today’s blog will again be relatively short on sites, as today was another general travel day.  Today was the long ride to Samarkand. A nearby village on our way out was our first stop.  Here we visited a family-owned ceramic workshop.  This workshop has been a multi-generational business, making all forms of ceramic items...

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Uzbekistan – Day 9

Written on May 22, 2022 in Uzbekistan

Another day in Bukhara, Day 9.  We again walked to the bus, on which we headed for the Bolo-Khauz Mosque, near the ARK Fortress.  While the mosque was not yet open (i.e., we couldn’t go in), it was still quite beautiful. While here, Jay did a quick shout-out to her company, Propio Language Services (LS)...

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Uzbekistan – Day 8

Written on May 21, 2022 in Uzbekistan

Ah, a fresh new day in Bukhara, Day 8.  We were also told that today was the start of their “Silk & Spice Festival”, which is a 3-day long local festival, therefore places might be a little more crowded than we’d been used to. We walked to the bus, on which we headed for the...

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Uzbekistan – Day 7

Written on May 20, 2022 in Uzbekistan

Okay, today’s blog will be fairly short, picture sparse, and yea… boring. Today was the day we embarked on the long bus ride to Bukhara, roughly an all day drive. There were a few high points, such as when we pulled over at a high point where we could see nearby Turkmenistan, but all-in-all, a...

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Uzbekistan – Day 6

Written on May 19, 2022 in Uzbekistan

We didn’t mention our hotel yesterday so we’ll have to describe it today.  The hotel was right outside of the south gate to Itchan-Kala Fortress.  It was more of a complex than a traditional hotel.  There were multiple buildings, each like its own hotel with a manned front desk, etc. and we were in the...

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Uzbekistan – Day 5

Written on May 18, 2022 in Uzbekistan

This is the day we bade farewell to the lovely city of Tashkent, flying to the western city of Urgench.  Flying domestically was…interesting.  Airport security was this…. Place everything on the conveyor – suitcase, carry-on, breakfast – and then walk through the detector.  Wait…breakfast??  Yep, people put their s...

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Uzbekistan – Day 4

Written on May 17, 2022 in Uzbekistan

“The day we became millionaires”.  Misleading statement……. We exchanged $200 USD and got back 2,180,000 Uzbeki Cym (pronounced “SOOM”).  The bills were 100K and 5K notes, so we ended up with a stack of 37 bills.  Talk about a fat stack!   (We were told you used to have to bring a back-pack to carry your...

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Uzbekistan – Oh No

Written on May 17, 2022 in Uzbekistan

We appear to have left the laptop’s power brick at home, so this is sadly, likely the last post this trip.  (i.e. unfortunately you won’t be able to follow live, it will be an “after the trip” look.  We’ll get the days in as quickly as we can…

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Uzbekistan – Day 3

Written on May 16, 2022 in Uzbekistan

Day Three…. After about 3-1/2 hours of sleep, we headed back to the airport to retrieve the missing luggage (they don’t deliver here – you have to retrieve it yourself).  It was a beautiful morning (70-ish) to drive with the windows down and this was our first glimpse of Tashkent during the day.  What a...

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All material copyrighted by the Collins Family (2021)