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Tag - museum

Baltic Trip – Day 11

We headed to Helsinki, Finland this morning, which is the fourth and final country on our agenda.  This trip necessitated taking a ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki, roughly a 2 – 1/2 ferry ride. When we say ferry, it wasn’t the type of ferry you might cross the mighty Mississippi on.  It’s the size of a small cruise ship and has amenities onboard such as duty...

Baltic Trip – Day 10

As suspected, this wasn’t a slow day.  Pretty certain our step counters were the highest ever today! This was despite the unanimous consensus that breakfast (the fuel for our highest step count ever) was sub-par. The atmosphere in the hotel basement was however outstanding (and worth sharing). Despite a poor breakfast, we eagerly set off for the day’s adventures...

Baltic Trip – Day 1 and Day 2

We normally do not combine days and only report on travel days if there was anything significant. Day 1 bled into Day 2, so we can barely delineate between the two. Oh yeah, that and it was significant in that we were nearly to the point that we weren’t sure we would be making the journey! Oh yea, one other unique difference in this trip… it’s not just us, but 3 of...

Uzbekistan – Day 4

“The day we became millionaires”.  Misleading statement……. We exchanged $200 USD and got back 2,180,000 Uzbeki Cym (pronounced “SOOM”).  The bills were 100K and 5K notes, so we ended up with a stack of 37 bills.  Talk about a fat stack!   (We were told you used to have to bring a back-pack to carry your money…  but that thankfully they...

Iceland with the Groves – Day 5

Today was our lazy day as we had no set plans until the evening.  One of us was up early for coffee & breakfast and the other three trickled down to breakfast at their leisure.  Once everyone was around and ready we walked to the downtown area, which is where we started out our first day.  In addition to shopping, we had a few missions to...

Iceland with the Groves – Day 1

First full day in the land of ice and fire!  We are honored to have Tim’s cousins – Sondra & Blake Groves – join us on this short adventure.  Tim’s birthday and Sondra’s birthday fall in the same week so this will be one heckuva celebration week for them! The temperature when we landed was an amazing 48 degrees (43 with windchill); quite a contrast to...

Thanksgiving in Rome

This was our first City Tour / City Escape, which are quick 4 or 5 day on-your-own trips to a single destination. Just you, an airline flight, and a hotel. The exploration is up to you. Since this was a single trip (same hotel for the duration), this trip is being posted as a single post, with tabbed days. Enjoy! Day 0 (11/22)Day 1 (11/23)Day 2 (11/24)Day 3 (11/25)...